City of Devils Wiki
City of Devils Wiki

Art by Fernando Caire

Appearance and Physical Traits[]

Gremlins are 2 feet tall[1] with leathery olive and yellow skin,[2] three-toed feet,[3] long apelike arms ending on huge claws on it's three-fingered hands.[4]

Each are "born" with a patch of pure white hair somewhere on their bodies[5] which is quick to regrow if cut.[6]

Gremlin speak in growls and sound effects with an occasional words thrown in.[7]

They have green blood.[8]

Socio-Cultural Characteristics[]

Gremlins take their names from the location of the white patch of hair on their bodies (Brows, mutton chops, etc)[9] they have an uncontrollable urge to tinker[10] and love sugary treats.[11]

They get around in cars with "suicide tint" or one of their own enclosed flying machines, they also stay away from water citing "intense embarrassment".[12]

Skills, Abilities and Weaknesses[]

Mechanical Intuition: Gremlins have the ability to build and rework machines with "no real rhyme or reason to how they worked"[13] acting more like saboteurs.[14] Examples include...

  • The Hollywoodland sign, which now glowed iridescent green exploded into sparks and rockets and occasionally launches itself into the sky,[15]
  • a sabotaged-car-deathtrap with arms made of the raw pistons and machinery of the automobile which flipped itself over opened like a flower and sent it's occupants to the center of the contraption collapsing into a tight ball.[16]
  • an aluminum bazooka[17] which can fire spinning hunks of metal linking together, breaking down it's target and boxing it up, complete with a red metal ribbon.[18]
  • flying machines made with whatever they can get their hands on and no two looking the same, such as one looking like a lopsided disc or another like a cross between rocket and a bulldozer.[19]
  • can tinker freely with killer robots[20]

Conversion: can turn humans into Gremlins by webbing them up in a "snot cocoon".[10]

Bright lights: phobia, bright lights will cause Gremlins to panic and flee.[21]

Sunlight: weakness, Sunlight will melt a Gremlin,[22] can be somewhat mitigated by using a parasol.[2]

Notable Gremlins[]



  1. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3446-3451)
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 1071-1072)
  3. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3619-3620)
  4. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 1078-1079)
  5. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Location 3920)
  6. ā†‘ City of Devils (Kindle Locations 3690-3691)
  7. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 1638-1639)
  8. ā†‘ A Stitch in Crime (Kindle Location 1848-1849)
  9. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Location 2165)
  10. ā†‘ 10.0 10.1 City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 1083-1084)
  11. ā†‘ Fifty Feet of Trouble (Kindle Locations 110-111)
  12. ā†‘ Fifty Feet of Trouble (Kindle Locations 1982-1983)
  13. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3640-3642)
  14. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 2681-2683)
  15. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 891-896)
  16. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 2109-2110)
  17. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3627-3629)
  18. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3610-3614)
  19. ā†‘ Wolfman Confidential (Kindle Locations 5088-5092)
  20. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3026-3027)
  21. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3674-3675))
  22. ā†‘ City Of Devils (Kindle Locations 3459-3460)